We know what you want: How they change your mind



When it's time to launch a war or cover up an environmental catastrophe, the government's first phone call is to their public relations firm. These opinion engineers are paid to "manage" public perception of inconvenient facts, and turn them around for better. Using fear, patriotism, and simplistic slogans, these high flying spin doctors are paid to sway the population.

The Public Relations Industry

The most successful public relations campaigns aim to change public perception without our awareness of the campaign.
They are regularly conducted by governments, institutions and countries that are endeavoring to change their public image, restore their reputation or manipulate public opinion. When these firms have aided dictatorships, dishonest politicians and corrupt industries, the results have led to environmental catastrophes, human rights violations and war.
Public relations (PR) is a communications strategy aiming to influence specific publics using writing, marketing, advertising, publicity, promotions, and special events. Some public relations specialists work as full-time employees of companies, politicians, nonprofit organizations, or governments; while others work for PR agencies that contract their services to clients (usually corporations, wealthy individuals or other special interests) who pay for their expertise at keeping them in or out of the spotlight, whichever is necessary.

“We are dominated by the relatively small number of personswho understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” Edward Bernays

Case Study: Office of Strategic Influence
The Office of Strategic Influence, or OSI, was planned as a center for the creation of U.S. propaganda materials, for the stated purpose of misleading enemy forces or their civilian populations for "Operation Enduring Freedom" in 2001. It may surprise some that propaganda is a part of a modern wartime strategy but despite a public outcry which shut it down, it resurfaced under another name .
"And then there was the office of strategic influence. [...] I went down that next day and said fine, if you want to savage this thing fine I'll give you the corpse. There's the name. You can have the name, but I'm gonna keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have." - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 2002-11-18 [2] From Wikipedia

Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner, who has taught strategy and military operations at the National War College, produced an analysis which suggests that the White House and Pentagon made up or distorted more than 50 news stories related to the war in Iraq, including:

- Chemical weapons in Drones
- Nuclear materials from Niger
- Aluminum tubes
- Nuclear weapons development
- Uprising in Basrah
- Liberations of Umm Qasr and Basrah
Source: Truth from these Podia, Colonel Sam Gardiner

You will find more on this topic and other emerging manipulation techniques in Chapter Three - The Media Zone:
  • How to Engineer Public Opinion
  • How they choose your news.
  • Fake News Items
  • Digital product placement
  • Corporations claim The "Right to lie"
  • Government Propaganda

"...filled with engaging graphics and provocative but easy-to-follow guidelines for maintaining autonomy in a world made of marketing."
Douglas Rushkoff


We know what you want - the book